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plastic surgery consultations with mr hassan shaaban of aset hospital

Cosmetic Surgery Consultations with Mr Hassan Shaaban

Mr. Shaaban worked in the NHS in the field of reconstruction following trauma and cancer surgery. His interest lies in the field of facial, breast and body contouring cosmetic surgery.
Mr Shaaban is a consultant plastic surgeon and is a member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) and International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS).

Your Consultation

If you’re considering plastic or reconstructive surgery, it is important to find a surgeon who is highly trained, experienced, and skilled, and whose personality is compatible with yours. Mr Shaaban makes it a priority to provide a supportive and open relationship with all of his patients in a relaxed, unhurried office environment.

Whilest most cosmetic surgery is common procedure nowadays, it is also major surgery, so the decision to undergo the transformation should not be rushed.  The consultation process is thorough, including a full risk assessment of every patient’s physical and mental health.

You will receive extensive information about the procedure itself and the possible outcomes from surgery, as well as the risks associated with breast enlargement procedures. 

Who is suitable for cosmetic surgery?

Every person is different, and so Mr Shaaban treats every patient uniquely. Before determining which procedure - if any - is right for you, we carry out thorough consultations to ensure you get the right treatment and feel supported and equipped to make this important decision.

Part of the consultation process is evaluating physical and psychological health, to ensure there are no underlying issues or reasons as to why you should not undergo surgery. While you may have surgery in mind, it could be that you are more suited to a different type of surgery, to achieve the desired result.

Throughout this process, it’s important to look for improvement, rather than perfection. Mr Shaaban will go through every step with you and manage your expectations in terms of what can be achieved.

You will receive extensive information about the procedure itself and the possible outcomes from surgery, as well as the risks associated with procedures.  Book your consultation today to learn more about the procedure.

Arranging a Consultation

To arrange a consultation - Please telephone for an appointment on -