Aset Hospital - 1 Sandstone Drive - Knowsley - Liverpool L35 7LS.

Full Body Lift

Full Body Lift surgery with Mr Hassan Shaaban

Dramatic weight loss, weight fluctuation or natural aging frequently results in sagging skin in areas below the waistline ? a lower body procedure lifts up the pubic area, outer thighs and the buttocks, getting rid of excess skin in the abdomen and back. Surgery tightens and sculpts the buttocks, back of the thighs, outer thighs, inner thighs, hips and abdomen

Mr. Shaaban worked in the NHS in the field of reconstruction following trauma and cancer surgery. His interest lies in the field of facial, breast and body contouring cosmetic surgery.
Mr Shaaban is a consultant plastic surgeon and is a member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) and International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS).

What is a Full Body Lift?

The full body lift (also known as circumferential lift', 'belt lipectomy's ) is a surgical procedure tdesigned to rejuvenate the abdominal area and removes excess fat and skin. During this procedure, excess skin and fat are removed from the stomach, hips and back and that in turn lifts the pubic area, outer thighs and buttocks.

People often find they are left with excess folds of skin that will not conform to their new body shape. Not only is loose hanging skin unsightly but it can cause functional problems. Large amount of excess skin can cover the pubis and groin. Excoriation can occur in this area due to sweating. Similarly excess skin can hang off arms, chest, back and thighs. Inside thigh excess skin is a problem as it rubs against the other side. Patients feel that in spite of losing weight they cannot fully benefit from it as this excess skin restricts them and is also a cause of social embarrassment. A full body lift can remove this excess skin and tissue, and may give patients a slimmer look and an improved shape.

Who is suitable for full body lift surgery?

The ideal candidate for a full body lift is someone with excess loose skin following successful weight loss or bariatric surgery.

This person should also have a strong personality as the scars from some of the surgery are rarely easy to hide. The scars which result from this procedure can be visible during social occasions; therefore it is essential that anyone considering this procedure is fully aware of this possibility and capable of dealing with awkward questions. Patients must be healthy and free from any chronic health problems.

Mr Shaaban and his team carry out detailed consultations prior to surgery to ensure you are equipped with all the information you need to make this important decision. The consultation also allows us to go through your motivation for a full body lift surgery, and your physical and psychological health.

before and after body surgery mummy makeovers adminoplasty full body uplift button

The Full Body Lift Procedure

A body lift procedure is carried out under a general anaesthetic, lasts 3-5 hours and usually requires a 2-3 night hospital stay. A lower body lift involves an abdominoplasty that extends around to the hips and back. During this procedure, excess skin and fat are removed from the stomach, hips and back and that in turn lifts the pubic area, outer thighs and buttocks.

During this surgery, we will try to make sure that the scars are in areas hidden beneath underwear. Sometimesliposuction alongside this surgery can be a very useful tool to remove excess fat and ensure an even result and desirable body shape. Patients are most commonly dissatisfied if their expectations did not meet what can be realistically and safely achieved. For this reason, we try and get to know you before the procedure and talk to you about the results you can expect and what we can work together to achieve.

All patients receive a tailored aftercare package and have 24-hour access to Mr Shaaban's team of specialists, who are on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Mr Shaaban will always discuss with you the different options and go through what to expect on a case-by-case basis.



What is the recovery and aftercare?

Your well being is our priority, Mr Shaaban at Aset Hospital will provide a comprehensive and personalised aftercare package which is included in your treatment. In the unlikely event of a complication directly related to your surgery, we would provide or arrange further surgery and/or treatment at no extra cost for up to 1 year.



What are the risks and possible side effects?

Due to incisions being all the way around the body, a body lift procedure carries a higher risk of complications than most surgeries. After the surgery, it is normal to expect some bruising but other risks can include infection, bleeding, haematoma, pain, wound breakdown, asymmetry, wrinkles and folds of skin, skin loss, unevenness and wide, lumpy, red or visible scars. *Individual Results May Vary

Mr Shaaban will be able to advise you on when it is safe to start to excersise and a plan of excersise after body lift surgery. *Individual results may vary.

Your consultation with Mr Shaaban at ASET Hospital

While body lift surgery is becoming increasingly a more popular procedure, it is also major surgery, so the decision to undergo the transformation should not be rushed or taken lightly.  The consultation process with Mr Shaaban is thorough, including a full risk assessment of every patient’s physical and mental health.

You will receive extensive information about the procedure itself and the possible outcomes from surgery, as well as the risks associated with body lift procedures. 

Book your consultation today to learn more about the procedure.

  • 0151 426 4777