Aset Hospital - 1 Sandstone Drive - Knowsley - Liverpool L35 7LS.

Arm Lift (brachioplasty) Surgery

Arm lift surgery with Mr Hassan Shaaban

Loss of weight or simple ageing changes may lead to excess skin being present in the upper arms commonly known as bingo wings. The loose skin on the upper arms can be a source of embarrassment. An upper arm lift (brachioplasty) is a surgical procedure which removes this excess skin and tissue, giving an improved appearance to the arms.

Mr. Shaaban worked in the NHS in the field of reconstruction following trauma and cancer surgery. His interest lies in the field of facial, breast and body contouring cosmetic surgery.
Mr Shaaban is a consultant plastic surgeon and is a member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) and International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS).

What is a arm lift?

During a arm lift procedure is the excess skin and fat are removed and then the incision is stitched back together (usually using dissolvable sutures) giving an improved appearance to the arms.

The procedure is carried out under general anaesthesia. It can be done as a day case or you may stay in hospital overnight. The scars are very noticeable with this procedure as the incisions are usually made from the armpit to the elbow.

Who is suitable for brachioplasty surgery?

The ideal candidate for arm lift is someone with excess loose skin on the upper arm which hangs like a wing when the arm is held out. This may be associated with excess fat. Patients are assesed on an individual basis in order to create a tailored care package personalised to the individual, this involves checking your medical and psychological health. Mr Shaaban will talk through your specific needs, questions and queries

Mr Shaaban and his team carry out detailed consultations prior to surgery to ensure you are equipped with all the information you need to make this important decision. The consultation also allows us to go through your motivation for thighplasty surgery, and your physical and psychological health.

What happens during and after a thigh lift procedure?

The procedure is carried out under general anaesthesia. It can be done as a day case or you may stay in hospital overnight. The scars are very noticeable with this procedure as the incisions are usually made from the armpit to the elbow. The excess skin and fat are removed and then the incision is stitched back together (usually using dissolvable sutures) giving an improved appearance to the arms. The resulting scar runs on the inner part of the arm extending from the armpit towards the elbow. The length of the scar varies depending on the amount of the skin which requires excision.

In order to help reduce swelling and aid in the natural tightening of the skin the arms are then wrapped in dressings or a compression garment which must be worn for six weeks.

Mr Shaaban will always discuss with you the different options and go through what to expect on a case-by-case basis.



What type of incisions are made?

The incision is made along the inner arm, but the length of the cut varies from person to person. The more fat and skin there is to be removed, the longer the incision is.



Is there any downtime after arm lift surgery?

As with any surgery, there is downtime associated with an arm lift procedure.

The recovery period varies from person to person, but for most patients, it takes 2 to 4 weeks. In the first few days (where you might not be able to use both arms fully), we recommend that you have a family member or close friend available to help you while you recover.

Mr Shaaban will then see you for a follow-up appointment to make sure everything is okay.



Will I have scars?

The scarring with arm lift surgery is visible and not easy to hide, The scars will appear on the underside of the upper arm, starting from the armpit and in some cases extending down to the elbow. They will be visible when wearing short-sleeved clothing.You will have visible scars directly after the procedure, but they will mature and fade over time.

Mr Shaaban will strive to place the scar as inconspicuously as possible so that it will be less visible. Scars will improve over time, continuing to flatten and fade for up to two years. Results vary from person to person, with some scars taking longer to heal than others.



What are the risks and possible side effects?

After arm lift surgery, it is normal to expect some bruising but other risks can include infection, bleeding, haematoma, pain.Individual Results may vary.

Common Q & A on arm lift surgery

1.When will I be able to return to work after a arm lift*?

It depends on the type of work but most people find they can go back to work any time between 2 to 3 weeks after arm lift surgery. *Individual results may vary.

Mr Shaaban will strive to place the scar as inconspicuously as possible. The exact position and size of the scars will depend on each individual patient’s requirements and can be discussed with Mr Shaaban. Scars will improve over time, continuing to flatten and fade for up to two years

*Individual results may vary.

We recommend that you don’t drive a vehicle for at least 2 weeks after the surgery. We would ask that you are sensible and make sure that you are confident that you are safe before recommencing driving. Mr Shaaban will be able to advise you on when it is safe to drive. *Individual results may vary.

It can be done as a day case or you may stay in hospital overnight

Mr Shaaban will be able to advise you on when it is safe to start to excersise. will be able to advise you on when it is safe to start to excersise. Upper body exercises can be gradually started after 4-6 weeks, while gentle lower body exercise (e.g. a relaxed walk) is recommended as soon as you are comfortable. *Individual results may vary.

Your consultation with Mr Shaaban at ASET Hospital

While arm lift surgery is becoming increasingly a more popular procedure, it is also major surgery, so the decision to undergo the transformation should not be rushed or taken lightly.  The consultation process with Mr Shaaban is thorough, including a full risk assessment of every patient’s physical and mental health.

You will receive extensive information about the procedure itself and the possible outcomes from surgery, as well as the risks associated with arm lift procedures. 

Book your consultation today to learn more about the procedure.

  • 0151 426 4777