Aset Hospital - 1 Sandstone Drive - Knowsley - Liverpool L35 7LS.

Breast Uplift Surgery

Breast uplifts performed by elite breast surgeon Mr Hassan Shaaban at Aset Hospital

Breast uplift surgery with Mr Hassan Shaaban

Mr. Shaaban worked in the NHS in the field of reconstruction following trauma and cancer surgery. His interest lies in the field of facial, breast and body contouring cosmetic surgery.
Mr Shaaban is a consultant plastic surgeon and is a member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) and International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS).

What is a breast uplift (mastroplexy) ?

Breast uplift surgery, or mastopexy, is a common procedure that can be performed instead of, or in conjunction with, breast enlargement surgery. As we age, our breasts naturally start to drop and lose their shape. This process can be accelerated by weight gain or loss, as well as breastfeeding. 

Unlike breast enlargement surgery, a breast uplift procedure does not include implants. Instead, the surgeon lifts and reshapes the breast, getting rid of excess skin. Breast uplifts not only provide more structure and support, they create more elasticity in the skin and create a much more youthful appearance.

While you may have breast enlargement surgery in mind to add volume, in some cases a breast uplift procedure is better suited to achieve the desired result. Mr Shaaban detailed consultations prior to surgery ensure you get the best possible outcome.

Who is suitable for breast uplift?

Breast uplift surgery is for women who want more youthful looking breasts. Many of our patients come to us because their breasts have lost their shape or pertness because of ageing or breastfeeding, while others naturally develop drooping breasts.

Uplift procedures are often performed in conjunction with breast enlargement surgeries, in order to not only enhance the shape and appearance, but to also add volume and create fuller-looking breasts.

Breast Uplift can also be part of a more comprehensive Mummy Makeover - which may include a breast uplift procedure combined with a abdominoplasty / Tummy tuck with liposuction.

In order to be considered for breast enlargement surgery, you must be 18 or over.


What happens during and after a breast uplift procedure?

The surgeon first repositions the nipple, before reshaping the existing breast tissue to create a more youthful appearance. Any excess skin is then removed, before the breast is lifted up into a position, to give a better appearance.

If you are also getting breast enlargement surgery, implants will be inserted to create a fuller cleavage. 

Every patient will receive a personalised aftercare package, with full instructions on how to look after the wound and ensure a speedy and full recovery. Most uplift surgeries require a two-night stay in hospital, and once you are discharged you will have 24-hour access to our trained staff who can answer any questions.

As well as receiving a post-operative care package, you will have a follow-up appointment about 2 weeks after the procedure, to ensure the healing process is going well. You will then have a second check-up approximately 6 weeks after the surgery date.

In the rare instance your wounds have not fully healed by the 6-week mark, you will continue to have regular check-ups until the healing process is complete.


What types of incisions are used in breast uplift surgery ?

There are two main types of incision that is used in breast uplift surgery; the wise pattern incision and the periareolar incision. Find out more about each incision type below:

  • Wise Pattern Incision - This cut is anchor-shaped, going around the nipple and then in a horizontal line down, towards the crease of the breast, then along the curve itself.
  • Periareolar incision - The incision is made around the areola (nipple) to camouflage the scar with the pigmented nipple skin. This is usually the preferred incision if the patient is undergoing both breast enlargement and uplift procedures.

Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos performed by Hassan Shaaban consultant plastic surgeon

Common Q & A on breast enlargement surgery

1.Can I breastfeed after a breast uplift?

There is no evidence of breast uplift surgery impacting womens’ ability to breastfeed, however, some women naturally cannot.

As with any surgery, there is downtime associated with breast uplift surgery. Every case is different and some people can take longer to heal than others, but it usually takes around 3-4 weeks to make a full recovery. You will receive detailed information and support from Mr Shaaban throughout the process.

Scars from the surgery can take around 6-12 months to full heal. You will receive regular post-op check-ups with your surgeon to see how the healing process is going.

With any surgical procedure comes risk, but at ASET Hospital we carry out thorough consultations to ensure we minimise the chances of anything going wrong during the surgery.  We work with patients on an individual level, to ensure there are no underlying physical or psychological health issues that may affect the success of the surgery.

The most common cause of dissatisfaction after the surgery is unrealistic expectations. It is important that before, during and after the procedure that the patient keep in mind what is achievable, which will be outlined by Mr Shaaban throughout the process. The aim is to get as close to the desired result as possible, but will not risk your wellbeing by doing so.

It is normal to experience some bleeding, oozing, bruising, swelling, scars and discomfort after breast uplift surgery. 

Other risks associated with this particular procedure include: infection, poor scarring (wide, red or lumpy), haematoma, asymmetry, excessive drooping, pain, loss of sensation, nipple and skin loss, DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and PE (pulmonary embolism). If implants are used, further risks of capsular contracture and implant rupture are also present.

Mr Shaaban will explain the limitations and the potential risks of this procedure during your consultation, allowing you to make a fully-informed decision.

Your consultation with Mr Shaaban at ASET Hospital

While breast uplift is a common procedure, it is also major surgery, so the decision to undergo the transformation should not be rushed.  The consultation process is thorough, including a full risk assessment of every patient’s physical and mental health.

You will receive extensive information about the procedure itself and the possible outcomes from surgery, as well as the risks associated with breast enlargement procedures. 

Book your consultation today to learn more about the procedure.

  • 0151 426 4777